I want to keep my speech at a reasonable level
but last night I had the funniest convo with the devil
he was awake at about the hour twelve
and I’m not a night sleeper myself
we talked about politics asked me on which side I dwell
I said he could ask me about football as well
I don’t really care as long they don’t interfere with my smirk
funny he could say the same about my work
I wanted to avoid the ‘love’ subject seems so silly
but he insisted really
so I began with the theory of predeterminism
and never got to the point
on the brink of falling asleep
… of talking about the meaning of life I mean
he got angry and stood up I also would
have raised an idea… if I could
he was clueless just like you or I would be
talking to the air about comedy
in that moment did I realise I need this hero
but also seen myself talking to the mirror